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Support Group for Mothers: How Can it Help You?

Updated: Mar 28, 2022

There is no doubt that becoming a new mum can be an beautiful and exciting time, but it can also be a time filled with anxious thoughts and overwhelming moments. Anyone can experience anxiety and depression early on during pregnancy, but learning how to cope is vital to ensure your well-being and mental health is in working order for when your new baby arrives. While many people will be familiar with the term ‘postnatal depression’, many moms experience a variety of emotions and feelings that may negatively affect their mental well-being and ability to handle the stresses of motherhood. Once these feelings have taken root, most will struggle when trying to keep its actual effects at bay after having a baby.

To help the mothers in Prague better understand the importance of seeking support and community to help overcome prenatal mood disorders or feelings of isolation, I interviewed our pre and postnatal counsellor and mentor Kristyna Karbanova, who will offer some helpful information, tips, and advice about support groups. However, there are ways you can prevent sadness and or anxiety from creeping in. Having a community around you such as a support group will not only provide solace but will also offer some much-needed relief from the challenges of being a new mum.

To help the mothers in Prague better understand the importance of seeking support and community to help overcome prenatal mood disorders or feeling of isolation, I interviewed our pre and postnatal counsellor and mentor Kristyna Karbanova, who will offer some helpful information, tips, and advice about support groups.

In your experience as a counselor and mentor. what are the most common issues faced by mothers?

I hear very often phrases such as “I'm not enough for my kids and husband.” “I feel like I’m failing everyone”. “I’m not a good mom”. The three common things are self-doubt, time management, and balance. Most of the mothers put themselves as the last to take care of. Then they have issues with their partners because they do not feel intimate. It is a chain reaction. Everything is connected. My aim is to guide them in the postpartum and find the balance between motherhood, marriage, and parenting.

How can joining a support group help women address and overcome these issues/challenges?

Mothers always share their thoughts out loud with the group which is helpful for our body to express how they feel. Most of the time, they will come up with the solution by themselves, while they are sharing or through hearing the comments and concerns of other mothers. When it comes to group sharing, it's the relationship between listening and sharing that makes such a big impact on your growth as a mother, and your ability to not only work through, but accept the problems, issues, or concerns that you may be facing.

Besides mental health support, what can mothers expect to gain from joining your support group?

My approach is holistic, which means I do work with the whole picture. We will explore their childhood, family patterns, beliefs, and overall mental and physical conditions. Also, as a former nanny with 10+ years of experience, I can provide some tips and tricks for the little ones to make their motherhood journey a little easier.

Do you have any self-are tips to help mama's to get through difficult times?

Motherhood can be so overwhelming, especially for the first-time mothers. The main cause of difficult time is usually accumulation of many things at one time. The best advice is to find a caregiver. It could be a family member or if they’re comfortable they can hire a babysitter. It's okay to need help sometimes. Lean on others for support. Apart from childcare, the top self-care tools is to journal your thoughts out, go outside every day, have someone you trust to talk to, and nourish their body properly with nutrition and exercise.

Becoming a mother is one of the most exciting and nerve-wracking moments in a woman’s life. But it doesn’t have to be an overwhelming one. With the right prevention methods, a supportive community, and some great self-care rituals, you will get to enjoy being present with your new little one, making the most out of each and every minute you have with them.

If you're in need of support, click the link below for more info about the program. We're here for you, dear Mama.

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